Depression : The youth killer - Anonymous Informer
Depression in youth
Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities.
According to WHO, more than 264 million people worldwide suffered from depression. Depression in its worst stage can lead to suicide, every year approx 800,000 people die due to suicide, which is the second most reason for death in 15-29 years olds.
It shows that depression is the real youth killer.
Why Young people suffer from depression?
Following are the common reasons for depression in the young generation:
1. Examinophobia
In students, depression is mostly caused because of Examinophobia. It is a very common phenomenon among students especially when an important examination is at their doorstep. It is an extreme fear of not performing well in exams. It is extremely disastrous as it affects them psychologically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively.
In fact, even Albert Einstein suffered from exam fever, and Winston Churchill only managed to write his name when he was appearing for an entrance exam.
Many times parents put so much pressure on their child to get good grades that he goes into depression. According to the survey, 66% of students admitted that their parents pressurize them for better academic performance.
Because of this examinophobia, students fear so much from exams that he/she started to believe that he/she will not perform well in the exam which leads him/her into depression.
Even I suffered from examinophobia, thank goodness it didn't lead me to depression.
During my 12th board exams, just one night before every exam, I couldn't sleep, I just kept lying on the bed for 5-6 hours and thinking about the exam, whether I would be able to get good grades in the exam.
But it just happened with me only ones in my lifetime. I hope it never returns, It was the worst experience of my life.
2. Career stress
It is another cause of depression, sometimes a person took so much stress of thinking about his/her career that, will be he/she succeed in the future, will they get a good job with a good salary.
Sometime when a person doesn't get a job he becomes so stressed that they stop believing in themselves. And this stress becomes multiplied because of societal pressure which leads them to depression.
According to the survey, 75% of people are stressed because of their careers.
3. Lack of self-confidence
The youth of nowadays do so much care about how he looks, his personality, what other people think about him, what other people talk about him.
Sometimes when young people being criticized because of their looks, their personality, their way to talk, their character; they become so upset that sometimes they become depressed.
4. Early childhood trauma
Traumatic events during childhood, such as physical or emotional abuse, or loss of a parent, may cause changes in the brain which can lead to depression.
5. Love life
Sometimes when someone's lover cheats on him/her, he/she goes into depression, or when someone's lover dies they become so upset which leads him/her into depression.
A bad breakup can also cause depression.
How depression leads to suicide?
Depression at it worst stage leads to suicide when a person becomes so depressed that he stopped believing in himself when he starts seeing himself as a loser who can't do anything in life, who don't have any reason to live; then he started to think about ending his life and when he is not driven in the right way by anyone, he takes his own life.
How to tackle depression?
- Start believing in yourself, just keep reminding yourself - yes you can. Don't underestimate yourself. You can do whatever you want just keep trying.
- Don't fear from failure, it's doesn't matter if you fail in something, so what if you failed in any task life is not ended, there will be many more opportunities to fight and win.
- Start ignoring other's opinions about yourself or your work, if you are happy keep it up. After all, it's your life, not their. Depression is not taboo.
- Talk to someone if you feel depressed, Ask for help before it's too late.
- If you feel to see a doctor, go see him don't hesitate.
- Just remember suicide is not an option. Life is so beautiful, don't try to end it.
- If you feel depression or suicidal and need help visit these 24/7 international helpline- Vandrevala Foundation, Suicide prevention lifeline.
Disclaimer: Data here is compiled from various sources and by our own research. These data can be approximate and Anonymous Informer does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.
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