
Dirty Indian politics : Corrupt Politicians - Anonymous Informer

Dirty Indian politics

Let's face it, our Indian politics is not so good.
The reason for this is that it is filled with corrupted politicians, They say something and do something else.
They just manipulate innocent people to get their votes for winning elections to get chairs in government.

Indian politicians do not want to serve public, they just want their seats, they just keep doing false promises-"we will do this, we will do that" etc. And after winnings election by manipulating the general public, they just sleep like deaf people. And just before 1 year from the next election they wake up and do little bit work for making the general public happy so they vote for them in the next election.


There is a total of 5054 MPs and MLAs since 1952, and from them, there is a total of 1765 are stained politicians. And there are 3045 cases are pending all over India's courts of these 1765 stained politicians.
Some of them blamed committing crimes in the past, some of them blamed being criminals and some of them charged for doing illegal work, even some of them blamed for women assault.

In every election, political parties promise to solve these cases, but they never do. 

According to reports in 2004 24% of MPs had criminal charges and from that, 12% had serious criminal charges like murder. after the election of 2014 lok shabha another report came which showed 34% of MPs have criminal charges on them. from that 21%, MPs have serious criminal charges like murder. 
It shows that the crime rate of Indian politicians is increasing acc. to time. 

List of a number of MPs state-wise against which pending criminal cases are reported:

Jammu&kashmir = 1
Punjab = 2
Haryana = 2
Rajasthan = 2
Gujarat = 11
Madhya Pradesh = 4
Delhi = 1
Uttarakhand = 1
Madhya Pradesh = 4
Dadra and Nagar Haveli = 1
Maharashtra = 26
Karnataka = 9
Kerala = 7
Tamilnadu = 10
Andaman and Nicobar = 1
Andhra Pradesh = 11
Orissa = 5
West Bengal = 7
Chhattisgarh = 2
Jharkhand = 8
Bihar = 18
Uttar Pradesh = 31
Assam = 2
These are the official numbers of those politicians whose case Indian court decided to hear.
Now the question arises why do criminals join politics?
The answer is- firstly there is no rule in our constitution that a person with criminal charges can't participate in the election.
secondly, by being a politician they can get extra money by doing corruption.
Acc. to study in 2013 on average an MPs wealth increase by 222% during 1 term.

you may be thinking why political parties let criminals, corrupt politicians participate in the election?
Its because nowadays, the election became so expensive, there are so many expenses in election campaigns like rallies, buying vote by giving and alcohol. Political parties can't do all these expenses on their own, so they let criminals participate in election so criminals use their own money in election campaigns. There is also another reason for assigning criminal as a politician that they generally have local support in their region by which generally their portion of voter base is fixed.

Black Money:

According to some reports, there is a total of $1.4 trillion money is illegally held in Switzerland in their swizz banks by Indian politicians and criminals. 

how they got so much money? 
The answer is simple- by corruption
Corruption is termite of the Indian government.
According to a study conducted by transparency international more than 62% Indians at some point or another paid bribe to government officials/politicians. 

All these corrupted politicians deposit their black money in Swiss banks from fear of caught by the government. They didn't earn this money, they steal this money by doing scams, scandals, corruption, and by taking bribe from Helpless person and by threatening them.

Many of the biggest scandals have involved high-level government officials, including Cabinet Ministers and Chief Ministers, such as the 2010 Commonwealth Games scam (₹70,000 crores), the Adarsh Housing Society scam, the Coal Mining Scam (₹1.86 lakh crore), the Mining Scandal in Karnataka and the Cash for Vote scams.


In politics nepotism is also the reason of dirty politics, In political parties generally, chair of a big politician is given to those politicians who are joined from long past or it given to family members as example candidate position for prime minister will be given to son if it is in the hand of her mother or father. 
By this nepotism new bright-minded,pure-hearted politicians can't get their deserving position in party and government. 


  • Reality is this, that Indian politics is filled with criminals and corrupt politicians.
  • These are termites of the Indian government. 
  • It will not improve until corrupted and criminal politicians will stay in Indian politics and run the government.
  • The government has to make the rule that a person with a criminal background can't stand in the election. 
  • The government has to make a committee that monitors every funding given to politicians for particular work.
  • For removing nepotism parties have to give chance to deserving candidates for the position.
Disclaimer: Data here is compiled from various sources and by our own research. These data can be approximate and Anonymous Informer does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.

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