
How Indian government work : Structure of indian government - Anonymous Informer


Here we will discuss how the Indian government works. 

For knowing how it works firstly we have to see the division of Indian government.


The Indian government can be divided in two ways: by the division of power and by the type of government. 


The Indian government is divided into 3 division:
3. Judiciary

All these 3 division have their different-different roles, they have their own responsibilities, let's study them one by one.


the legislature of India is a group of those people who make laws and policies to run the country at different-different levels.
It consists of MPs, MLAs, panchayat members etc.
The executive consists of ministers and their ministries like home ministry, finance ministry etc. These ministers are taken from MPs. Those are the people who are responsible for every action in parliament.


The executive is subdivided into two parts :
(a). Permanent executive
(b). Political executive

(a). Permanent executive:

It is part of the government body which consist all public servants like IAS, IPS, IFS, Directors, Staff, Departmental heads, Sectional officers, tehsildars, revenue officers, Secretaries, peons and every other person you see in a government office.
They are selected after passing governmental exams like UPSC, SSC, UPPSC etc. 

(b). Political executive:

These are the political heads, i.e. Ministers. 
They are voted by people in the election, their working period is only for 5 years after that they have to win an election again for their position. 

Every ministry has two heads:
(a). Permanent executive-Home secretary 
(b). Political executive-Home minister 
It is ruled that every ministry should be headed by "civilian political head" who is elected by voting of people. 

3. Judiciary:

Judiciary consists Supreme court of India, which is the apex court in the country, and also high court and district court. 
Apart from solving legal and criminal matters, Judiciary also interprets the constitution and check whether bills passed don't violate the constitution. Still, the power to amend the constitution rests in the hand of parliament. 


India is the union of individual states, with a strong centre. Which means the central government has more power than state government. States cannot secede from the union. The centre can bifurcate, join or create more states etc.

The Parliament consists of -

Lok Sabha - Council of People - The members 
who represent people, these are voted by all voters in the whole country.

Rajya Sabha - Council of States - The members represent the various states at the centre and are voted in by the states' legislature.

At the centre, both the states and the people are represented called as "Members of Parliament" (MP). 

The Governor is the representative of the Centre at the state.

The States also have a legislature, which is called the Assembly, which is voted by people called as MLAs.

The states always fight for more autonomy and the centre always tries for more control.


It all starts with the Common Man which is supreme in the country, and everyone works for him.

Common Man says he is hungry and he has no cash for food. He cries.
MP or MLA says I'll provide you food. I understand your problems well.
The common man trusts this man and votes him into the legislature.
The MP, who understands the problem asks the Executive to provide food for the Man.
The Secretary who is in charge of the Ministry which provides food, tells it to the permanent executive.

This is where desire changes into Executions. The Minister is also an MP, let's assume that he is illiterate, but he understands what the people need. The Permanent Executive (IAS, IPS etc.) are intellectuals but they might not know what the common man needs right now.

So, here all officials sit, discuss and then make a policy or bill and then will give it to the Minister.

The Minister will take the prepared bill, eg. National Food Security Act, and will table it in the Parliament for implementing.

The Legislature, MPs, go through the bill, and if they like it, they vote and will make it into a Law. According to the Law, Food must be given to the common man.

The Executive does all implementation - Procurement of food grains, construct godowns, transport, have good roads for that, then establish Ration shops, give food grains to the common man. 
The common man is happy, the MP/MLA will tell him that he made it happen and if you have any more problems, do vote for him again. 

To ensure that the food grains are reached, the Minister ensures that the following administration works efficiently.

But, usually, inefficiency, corruption, sluggishness creeps in.

This is how the Indian Government works.

Disclaimer: Data here is compiled from various sources and by our own research. These data can be approximate and Anonymous Informer does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data. 


1 comment:

  1. It's perfect 😃. But sometimes they need more awareness about citizen for fulfillment of basic and common needs.
