
UFO : Reality of Unidentified flying object - Anonymous Informer

UFO: Reality or Myth

Is an unidentified flying object is real or is it just myth, let's find out.

Have you ever wondered how people came to know about UFO for the first time?

It was 1947 when businessmen Kenneth Arnold claimed to see a group of 9 high-speed objects near Mount Rainier in Washington while flying his small plane. Arnold estimated the speed of the crescent-shaped objects as several thousand miles per hour. In newspapers, it was stated as a flying saucer because of its saucer shape. 
Many UFO has been seen by people from time to time.

Many UFO sightings happen every year, this is a list of UFO Sighting worldwide recorded according to years:

till 1980 = less than 5,000
1980-1990 = about 10,000
1990-2000 = over 45,000
2002 = 3,669
2003 = 4,407
2004 = 4,729
2005 = 4,502
2006 = 4.149
2007 = 4,716
2008 = 5,278
2009 = 4,969
2010 = 4,750
2011 = 5,591
2012 = 8,064
2013 = 7,764
2014 = 8,619
2015 = 6,834
2016 = 5,516
2017 = 579 ( as on February 27)

Here is a list of 5 most credible UFO sightings till now:

1.Stephenville, Texas (2008)

On January 8, in Dallas small town of Stephenville, dozens of people seen something mysterious in the sky. people have seen white lights above highway 67, first in a single horizontal arc then in vertical parallel lines. Local pilot Steve Allen estimated that the strobe lights "spanned about a mile long and a half-mile wide" traveling about 3000 miles per hour.
U.S Air Force revealed weeks later that F-16s were flying in the Brownwood Military Operating Areas(just southwest of Stephenville), But many citizens of town didn't believe that, believing that what they saw was too technologically advanced for current known technology.

2.New Jersey (2001)

On July 14, people on the New Jersey Turnpike saw a sight of strange orange and yellow lights in a V formation over the Arthur Kill Waterway between Staten Island, New York, and Carteret, New Jersey. Lt. Daniel Tarrant from the Carteret Police department was one of the witnesses, as well as other metro area residents from fort lee, New Jersey, and Throgs Neck Bridge. 
Air traffic controllers denied that any airplanes, military jets, or space flights could be caused mysterious lights, but New York Strange Phenomena Investigators (NY-SPI) claimed to receive FAA radar data that corroborated the UFO sightings from that night.

3. East Coast (2015)

In 2017, a video of 2015 emerged that revealed an encounter between F/A 18 Super Hornet and unidentified aerial phenomena.
Unidentified aerial phenomena were similar to unidentified aerial phenomena seen in San Diego in 2004: a fast-moving white oval about 45-feet-long without wings or exhaust plume. 
The pilot tracked the object at 25,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean as it flew away and simultaneously rotated on its axis. No explanation ever emerged. 

4.Chicago (2006)

On November 7, around 4;15pm, at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport a United Airlines employee on tarmac noticed a dark grey metallic craft hovering over gate C17. Because the UFO was not seen on radar, the FAA called it a "weather phenomenon". 

5.San Diego (2004) 

On November 14, the USS Princeton noted an unknown craft on radar 100 miles off the coast of San Diego. 
When two FA-18F jets from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz arrived in sighting area, they saw churning water, with a shadow of an oval shape underneath the surface. Then in a few moments, a white Tic Tac-shaped object appeared out of water. It had no marking to indicate engine, wings, or windows, and infrared monitors didn't reveal any exhaust.
Pilots of aircraft tried to contact UFO, but it moved away with 3 times the speed of sound.

Videos of UFO sightings

There are many recorded videos by people of UFO sightings. Some are given below

For the first time the US government released UFO videos on  April 28, 2020, Pentagon released 3 videos in which Unidentified Flying Object is seen to be flying.


  • UFO are real because these high amounts of UFO sightings can't be fake.
  • Videos of UFO are proof of their existence.
  • After so long time even the government finally accepted the existence of UFO
  • So if UFO is real it means we are not alone, aliens do exist.
Disclaimer: Data here is compiled from various sources and by our own research. These data can be approximate and Anonymous Informer does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.

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